Saturday, December 6, 2008
Research Paper
Protect the Bald Eagle
Do you know that United States was endangered before? The bald eagle is the nation’s symbol of the United States of America, was endangered in the past. “the bald eagle, which has been the nation’s symbol for 225 years but was on the brink of extinction more than four decades ago, is expected to be removed from the federal Endangered Species list this week” (Donnelly, 2007, para. 1). The bald eagle is a bird of prey. This bird is unique because of his thickness, strength and speed and his overall lightness of touch and intelligence. “Bald Eagles live near large bodies of open water such as lakes, marshes, seacoasts and rivers, where there are plenty of fish to eat and tall trees for nesting and roosting” (American Eagle Foundation, n.d, para 4). The bald eagle feeds on fish. Bald eagles proliferate in the beginning of the spring. With low temperature and the beginning of winter the bald eagle starts migration to the warm places. “The female lays 1 to 3 eggs annually in the springtime, which hatch after about 35 days of incubation. Hunting, egg incubation, nest watch, eaglet feeding and eaglet brooding duties are shared by both parents until the young are strong enough to fly at about 12 weeks of age. Eaglets are full size at 12 weeks of age” (American Eagle Foundation, n.d, para 6). This bird now is not extinct, but we should protect him more because he is near the extinction line. Americans have done a good job to bring this bird from extinction to wildlife. The American Bird Conservancy was quoted as saying, “The conservation of the bald eagle is a true success story and reflection of the concern Americans have for the environment” (Mueller, 2007, para. 2). The bald eagle is just only one species from many species that need to be protected from extinction. So, what helped with the bald eagle could help the other big birds that are endangered, such as falcons. Today the bald eagle lives in the wildlife without concern of extinction.
There are many ways to protect the bald eagle and the other big birds that are endangered; for example, remove all DDT, improve habitat, and generate public concern about these birds.
First, DDT has started to affect birds, especially the bald eagle, since the 1950’s. People began to use DDT more often. “Only 43 years ago just a little more than 400 eagle pairs remained in the lower 48 states” (Mueller, 2007, para. 3). The birds became extremely affected by DDT through the waterways. When the population used DDT to clear certain areas of bugs, the remaining water washed into the world’s water supply, which had a considerable effect on most wildlife. The bald eagle, being at the top of the food chain, has effectively survived on wildlife from the sea and so forth. Their advanced techniques of killing their prey had greatly affected them the most. “The pesticide washed into the waterways and entered the bodies of fish, and whenever an eagle ingested such a fish, it would weaken the composition of the bird’s egg shells” (Mueller, 2007, para. 3). Although DDT helps with the world’s food supply, there must be an alternative way of doing so. The removal of DDT as pesticide will enhance the lives of wildlife, therefore eliminating the scare of extinction among the bald eagle species. For example, the pesticides that are used not only greatly affect the physiology of a bald eagle; they also affect the unborn of this species as well. Only recently has the world realized that DDT needed to be removed from farming. “Congress banned most uses of DDT in 1972, and the eagle population began a slow recovery” (Mueller, 2007, para. 4). The use of DDT has become such a threat to the bald eagle that it was officially on the list of endangered species. The world has been more sympathetic towards the bald eagle and banned most DDT; however, that does not eliminate the entirety of the use and there is still the possibility of contaminating any type of wildlife. “In 1995, it was removed from the endangered category and placed on the less serious threatened list” (Mueller, 2007, para. 5). DDT was banned in the United States a long time ago and that helps the bald eagle. So the same decision can fit in other countries and help not only the endangered species and the other species. DDT is not only the choice that farmers have; we have many choices. With new technology we can produce new chemicals that help the farmers and do not hurt the environment. As we know there are many countries that still use DDT, but if we produce a new substance that works like DDT and is cheap, they will start to band DDT. We can try to explain to these countries who still use DDT the seriousness of using DDT and how that affect the wildlife and give them other choices they can use. In conclusion, DDT should be banned from any use in the world, because although eliminating most of its use will help the bald eagle, if it is not entirely depleted, then part of the species will be exterminated.
Although the bald eagle along with other birds, is highly monitored, there are still precautions and actions that people need to take to preserve their life and their habitat to ensure their enriched lives on our planet. One aspect that people have considered is having preservations that are dedicated to making sure birds in this type of situation are revived to the level that they once were at. “The bald eagle represents one of the greatest endangered species recovery stories in US history” (Clayton, 2007, para. 4). The world has been trying its hardest to conserve this species; however, more action needs to be taken upon this situation that has been lingering for the past century. The laws that have been put into effect have greatly reduced the hazard to the species. The order to receive the nutrients they need to survive. People are not able to retain the census of birds still surviving because we “relied solely on eyewitness observations” (Dyer, 2008, para. 6). The bald eagles we know to exist are the ones that we keep in preservations. People and wildlife supporting foundations need to enhance the natural habitats of these birds in order to release them from these artificial preservations that were made for them. These artificial preservations should only act as a temporary solution to help the birds gain strength and skills to survive in the wild. If we keep them only in zoo- like areas they will become domesticated and not know how to live on their own. We should protect the wilderness and not allow to any interference in their environment like cutting trees. We try to create an environment like the environment they use to living in. Foundations should support and renovate natural areas to ensure an enriching long-lasting survival for years to come. Not alone should people preserve habitats but we need to make a collective effort that “prohibits ‘disturbing’ the eagle” (Claytlon, 2007, para. 9). In conclusion, all efforts need to be made to support natural wildlife habitats instead of other issues. Like all wildlife, they all play a role in ensuring a healthy planet for all species, human or animals, to flourish thoroughly.
Next, contrary to what most people believe about saving the environment of the bald eagle, there are still some people that exist in the world that believe that using DDT will help humans more and it is worth the cost of so many birds’ lives. DDT is a pesticide used by many farmers and has been proven effective in the harvesting of certain food. Many people would argue that there are no harmful side effects of the use of DDT, and it is imperative that we keep using it to ensure ripe food. Some farmers would prefer to use DDT over any other pesticide because it alleviates any worry about losing profits since it is proven effective in killing pests. With the use of DDT by farmers, it helps the farmer to not lose any type of crop and keeps the work effort to a minimum. On the other hand, farmers can have other choices that can help them instead of using DDT. DDT is harmful for wildlife and causes many problems. So, we can make new chemicals do not hurt the environment. With the new technology we can produce new substances that can work like DDT and do not hurt the wildlife. DDT does not hurt only the birds, but also causes genetic problems, so the new species get hurt from this substance. If we produce another substance that is cheap and that can work like DDT farmers will not use DDT anymore. DDT is a bad substance, and we should prohibit this substance in all countries to preserve the wildlife.
People are also against helping preserve habitats and putting effort into making new environments for animals. It is assumed they would the world take nature’s course and we should not interfere with the process. People seem to believe that wildlife does not need any help with reviving itself. The natural weathering of the environment will ensure the world’s survival of the fittest; only the birds that are able to survive can do so. If we need to help animals survive, that will be all they are capable of knowing. If bald eagles need the help of humans, they will not be able to understand life without any type of help. People who believe in Darwinism would not want to play the role of God, and would not want to interfere with the process of natural selection; they would rather let nature run its course. Ultimately, people would rather not be concerned with the life of animals and focus more on the issues of its population of people. People seem to believe that there need to be a concern more with the people of this planet, rather than the other animal life that attempts to survive on it as well. What people argue there is wrong because of many reasons. First, people already interfere in the nature by producing pollutants and burning fuel. Human activities hurt the environment in many ways. For example the hole in the ozone was caused by substance called “CFC” that attacked the O3 and broke it down to O2 and O. Overpopulation also affect the environment by humans’ taking more places that was before for animals. Moreover, mining and cutting timber causes animals to lose habitats. Climate change causes animals and birds to lose habitats. Some animals start to move northward because climate change affects their habitats (Hall, 2007). So, we should stop the human activities that affect the wildlife. We made problems and we should resolve them. Nature cannot by its own process solve all the problems that we cause. Humans should work together to serve our planet.
People need to make an effort to let the issue be known that some birds need help to survive. There should be more advertisement toward helping this cause. If people do not make any action towards this issue, other animals on the food chain will be affected, therefore causing a rupture on life on this planet. People need to be advised and put forth a community effort to help out the birds that are in need, whether it would be helping a wildlife foundation, or not vandalizing the natural environment. There are small efforts that one can take to help. One should be conscious of one’s carbon foot print and watch the items one buys. People should invest in the consumption of organic items that limit the amount of toxins put into the environment that could possibly affect any species whether they are endangered or not. By doing small actions such as this, they would be ensuring a life that would be lasting to an endangered species.
Together with self consciousness, public awareness, and overall avoidance of animal-harming pesticides we stand a chance of overcoming these pressing problems. Endangered animals and birds are a vital addition to the overall eco-system and it is up to our behaviors to protect their existence. Public concern is the initial step that must be taken to act as a catalyst for long lasting change and improvement to these species’ withering habitats.
American Eagle Foundation (n.d.). Bald eagle: the U.S.A.’s national symbol. Retrieved
November 30, 2008, from
Clayton, M. (2007, June 28). Bald eagle is set to lose ‘threatened’ tag. Christian Science
Monitor. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Donnelly, J. (2007, June 26). Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status
of nation’s symbol. The Boston Globe. Retrieved November 3, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Dyer, J. (2008, Jan 20). Here’s a treat for bird-watchers: eagles. The Boston Globe. Retrieved
October 30, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Hall, B. (2007, Dec 30). The binocular brigade. The New York Times. Retrieved October 30,
2008, from LexisNexis.
Mueller, G. (2007, July 4). Nation’s symbol at risk no more. Washington Times. Retrieved
November 3, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Do you know that United States was endangered before? The bald eagle is the nation’s symbol of the United States of America, was endangered in the past. “the bald eagle, which has been the nation’s symbol for 225 years but was on the brink of extinction more than four decades ago, is expected to be removed from the federal Endangered Species list this week” (Donnelly, 2007, para. 1). The bald eagle is a bird of prey. This bird is unique because of his thickness, strength and speed and his overall lightness of touch and intelligence. “Bald Eagles live near large bodies of open water such as lakes, marshes, seacoasts and rivers, where there are plenty of fish to eat and tall trees for nesting and roosting” (American Eagle Foundation, n.d, para 4). The bald eagle feeds on fish. Bald eagles proliferate in the beginning of the spring. With low temperature and the beginning of winter the bald eagle starts migration to the warm places. “The female lays 1 to 3 eggs annually in the springtime, which hatch after about 35 days of incubation. Hunting, egg incubation, nest watch, eaglet feeding and eaglet brooding duties are shared by both parents until the young are strong enough to fly at about 12 weeks of age. Eaglets are full size at 12 weeks of age” (American Eagle Foundation, n.d, para 6). This bird now is not extinct, but we should protect him more because he is near the extinction line. Americans have done a good job to bring this bird from extinction to wildlife. The American Bird Conservancy was quoted as saying, “The conservation of the bald eagle is a true success story and reflection of the concern Americans have for the environment” (Mueller, 2007, para. 2). The bald eagle is just only one species from many species that need to be protected from extinction. So, what helped with the bald eagle could help the other big birds that are endangered, such as falcons. Today the bald eagle lives in the wildlife without concern of extinction.
There are many ways to protect the bald eagle and the other big birds that are endangered; for example, remove all DDT, improve habitat, and generate public concern about these birds.
First, DDT has started to affect birds, especially the bald eagle, since the 1950’s. People began to use DDT more often. “Only 43 years ago just a little more than 400 eagle pairs remained in the lower 48 states” (Mueller, 2007, para. 3). The birds became extremely affected by DDT through the waterways. When the population used DDT to clear certain areas of bugs, the remaining water washed into the world’s water supply, which had a considerable effect on most wildlife. The bald eagle, being at the top of the food chain, has effectively survived on wildlife from the sea and so forth. Their advanced techniques of killing their prey had greatly affected them the most. “The pesticide washed into the waterways and entered the bodies of fish, and whenever an eagle ingested such a fish, it would weaken the composition of the bird’s egg shells” (Mueller, 2007, para. 3). Although DDT helps with the world’s food supply, there must be an alternative way of doing so. The removal of DDT as pesticide will enhance the lives of wildlife, therefore eliminating the scare of extinction among the bald eagle species. For example, the pesticides that are used not only greatly affect the physiology of a bald eagle; they also affect the unborn of this species as well. Only recently has the world realized that DDT needed to be removed from farming. “Congress banned most uses of DDT in 1972, and the eagle population began a slow recovery” (Mueller, 2007, para. 4). The use of DDT has become such a threat to the bald eagle that it was officially on the list of endangered species. The world has been more sympathetic towards the bald eagle and banned most DDT; however, that does not eliminate the entirety of the use and there is still the possibility of contaminating any type of wildlife. “In 1995, it was removed from the endangered category and placed on the less serious threatened list” (Mueller, 2007, para. 5). DDT was banned in the United States a long time ago and that helps the bald eagle. So the same decision can fit in other countries and help not only the endangered species and the other species. DDT is not only the choice that farmers have; we have many choices. With new technology we can produce new chemicals that help the farmers and do not hurt the environment. As we know there are many countries that still use DDT, but if we produce a new substance that works like DDT and is cheap, they will start to band DDT. We can try to explain to these countries who still use DDT the seriousness of using DDT and how that affect the wildlife and give them other choices they can use. In conclusion, DDT should be banned from any use in the world, because although eliminating most of its use will help the bald eagle, if it is not entirely depleted, then part of the species will be exterminated.
Although the bald eagle along with other birds, is highly monitored, there are still precautions and actions that people need to take to preserve their life and their habitat to ensure their enriched lives on our planet. One aspect that people have considered is having preservations that are dedicated to making sure birds in this type of situation are revived to the level that they once were at. “The bald eagle represents one of the greatest endangered species recovery stories in US history” (Clayton, 2007, para. 4). The world has been trying its hardest to conserve this species; however, more action needs to be taken upon this situation that has been lingering for the past century. The laws that have been put into effect have greatly reduced the hazard to the species. The order to receive the nutrients they need to survive. People are not able to retain the census of birds still surviving because we “relied solely on eyewitness observations” (Dyer, 2008, para. 6). The bald eagles we know to exist are the ones that we keep in preservations. People and wildlife supporting foundations need to enhance the natural habitats of these birds in order to release them from these artificial preservations that were made for them. These artificial preservations should only act as a temporary solution to help the birds gain strength and skills to survive in the wild. If we keep them only in zoo- like areas they will become domesticated and not know how to live on their own. We should protect the wilderness and not allow to any interference in their environment like cutting trees. We try to create an environment like the environment they use to living in. Foundations should support and renovate natural areas to ensure an enriching long-lasting survival for years to come. Not alone should people preserve habitats but we need to make a collective effort that “prohibits ‘disturbing’ the eagle” (Claytlon, 2007, para. 9). In conclusion, all efforts need to be made to support natural wildlife habitats instead of other issues. Like all wildlife, they all play a role in ensuring a healthy planet for all species, human or animals, to flourish thoroughly.
Next, contrary to what most people believe about saving the environment of the bald eagle, there are still some people that exist in the world that believe that using DDT will help humans more and it is worth the cost of so many birds’ lives. DDT is a pesticide used by many farmers and has been proven effective in the harvesting of certain food. Many people would argue that there are no harmful side effects of the use of DDT, and it is imperative that we keep using it to ensure ripe food. Some farmers would prefer to use DDT over any other pesticide because it alleviates any worry about losing profits since it is proven effective in killing pests. With the use of DDT by farmers, it helps the farmer to not lose any type of crop and keeps the work effort to a minimum. On the other hand, farmers can have other choices that can help them instead of using DDT. DDT is harmful for wildlife and causes many problems. So, we can make new chemicals do not hurt the environment. With the new technology we can produce new substances that can work like DDT and do not hurt the wildlife. DDT does not hurt only the birds, but also causes genetic problems, so the new species get hurt from this substance. If we produce another substance that is cheap and that can work like DDT farmers will not use DDT anymore. DDT is a bad substance, and we should prohibit this substance in all countries to preserve the wildlife.
People are also against helping preserve habitats and putting effort into making new environments for animals. It is assumed they would the world take nature’s course and we should not interfere with the process. People seem to believe that wildlife does not need any help with reviving itself. The natural weathering of the environment will ensure the world’s survival of the fittest; only the birds that are able to survive can do so. If we need to help animals survive, that will be all they are capable of knowing. If bald eagles need the help of humans, they will not be able to understand life without any type of help. People who believe in Darwinism would not want to play the role of God, and would not want to interfere with the process of natural selection; they would rather let nature run its course. Ultimately, people would rather not be concerned with the life of animals and focus more on the issues of its population of people. People seem to believe that there need to be a concern more with the people of this planet, rather than the other animal life that attempts to survive on it as well. What people argue there is wrong because of many reasons. First, people already interfere in the nature by producing pollutants and burning fuel. Human activities hurt the environment in many ways. For example the hole in the ozone was caused by substance called “CFC” that attacked the O3 and broke it down to O2 and O. Overpopulation also affect the environment by humans’ taking more places that was before for animals. Moreover, mining and cutting timber causes animals to lose habitats. Climate change causes animals and birds to lose habitats. Some animals start to move northward because climate change affects their habitats (Hall, 2007). So, we should stop the human activities that affect the wildlife. We made problems and we should resolve them. Nature cannot by its own process solve all the problems that we cause. Humans should work together to serve our planet.
People need to make an effort to let the issue be known that some birds need help to survive. There should be more advertisement toward helping this cause. If people do not make any action towards this issue, other animals on the food chain will be affected, therefore causing a rupture on life on this planet. People need to be advised and put forth a community effort to help out the birds that are in need, whether it would be helping a wildlife foundation, or not vandalizing the natural environment. There are small efforts that one can take to help. One should be conscious of one’s carbon foot print and watch the items one buys. People should invest in the consumption of organic items that limit the amount of toxins put into the environment that could possibly affect any species whether they are endangered or not. By doing small actions such as this, they would be ensuring a life that would be lasting to an endangered species.
Together with self consciousness, public awareness, and overall avoidance of animal-harming pesticides we stand a chance of overcoming these pressing problems. Endangered animals and birds are a vital addition to the overall eco-system and it is up to our behaviors to protect their existence. Public concern is the initial step that must be taken to act as a catalyst for long lasting change and improvement to these species’ withering habitats.
American Eagle Foundation (n.d.). Bald eagle: the U.S.A.’s national symbol. Retrieved
November 30, 2008, from
Clayton, M. (2007, June 28). Bald eagle is set to lose ‘threatened’ tag. Christian Science
Monitor. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Donnelly, J. (2007, June 26). Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status
of nation’s symbol. The Boston Globe. Retrieved November 3, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Dyer, J. (2008, Jan 20). Here’s a treat for bird-watchers: eagles. The Boston Globe. Retrieved
October 30, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Hall, B. (2007, Dec 30). The binocular brigade. The New York Times. Retrieved October 30,
2008, from LexisNexis.
Mueller, G. (2007, July 4). Nation’s symbol at risk no more. Washington Times. Retrieved
November 3, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Online Shopping
Practice Final
The law cannot protect the foolish? Online shopping is the best way now to buy your stuff. Technology has made life easier than before. You can stay in your home and buy anything that you want. Now every company has a Website on the Internet to sell online. So that shows how online has started to be famous, and everyone buy his stuff online. Moreover, you can buy your food from the Internet without any fatigue. Just sit in your home and buy what you want while you are setting in your home. You can check your account now online and buy what you want. With Internet the life is so easy. You can find anything you want and buy it.
There are many reasons that online shopping is the best way to buy your stuff; for example, it is safe for you, it is convenient to buy things, and it saves your time.
First, buying online is safe now for you. “In fact online shopping is quite safe, as long a you follow precautions” (Bell, 2008, para. 2). You should always be cautions in money dealing because there are many hoaxers. So, if you use Internet, you should be more careful. Use your head and you will be safe. Also, buy only from a site that you know, so these sites are assured and you will have nothing to worry about. Also, banks have a system that can save your money if someone steals your credit-card number. They will return your money for you quickly. Use the right Website to buy your stuff and don’t worry about stealing.
Second, it is convenient to buy what you want online. With the new technology it is easy to buy anything online. You can buy stuff form your home while you are sitting in your home. Some stuff is difficult to find in a regular mall, so in the Internet it is easy to find it and buy it. Moreover, in the Internet you can find the stuff that you need cheaper than in the regular mall. “It has provided a method of easily finding what you’re looking for or the best price without ever leaving your home” (Bell, 2008, para. 1). Buying online is easiest and cheapest way to buy what you want.
Next, click in your computer and save your time. Buying by Internet is the best way for you to save your time and money. In place of getting in your care and going to the mall to by something, you can by Internet buy anything while you sitting in your home. You can go to many malls by Internet. It is like a big mall in your home. Buying online is saving your time and getting what you wanted at a low price (Robertson, 2006). Furthermore, you can buy some stuff that you cannot find it in your country from other countries by Internet. So, you save your time and get want you want.
In conclusion, saving your time, having convenience to buy things, and saving for you is some advantage that you can have from shopping online. Online shopping is the great deal for you to buy what you want from anywhere at a low price. Be careful while you use the internet and enjoy buying from internet.
Bell, G. (2008, April 15). Is using a credit-card for online purchases safe? Education Redefined. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from http//,1384,86674-5031.
Robertson, C. (2006, Jan 03). Stay safe while shopping online. Majon carefulational. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from
The law cannot protect the foolish? Online shopping is the best way now to buy your stuff. Technology has made life easier than before. You can stay in your home and buy anything that you want. Now every company has a Website on the Internet to sell online. So that shows how online has started to be famous, and everyone buy his stuff online. Moreover, you can buy your food from the Internet without any fatigue. Just sit in your home and buy what you want while you are setting in your home. You can check your account now online and buy what you want. With Internet the life is so easy. You can find anything you want and buy it.
There are many reasons that online shopping is the best way to buy your stuff; for example, it is safe for you, it is convenient to buy things, and it saves your time.
First, buying online is safe now for you. “In fact online shopping is quite safe, as long a you follow precautions” (Bell, 2008, para. 2). You should always be cautions in money dealing because there are many hoaxers. So, if you use Internet, you should be more careful. Use your head and you will be safe. Also, buy only from a site that you know, so these sites are assured and you will have nothing to worry about. Also, banks have a system that can save your money if someone steals your credit-card number. They will return your money for you quickly. Use the right Website to buy your stuff and don’t worry about stealing.
Second, it is convenient to buy what you want online. With the new technology it is easy to buy anything online. You can buy stuff form your home while you are sitting in your home. Some stuff is difficult to find in a regular mall, so in the Internet it is easy to find it and buy it. Moreover, in the Internet you can find the stuff that you need cheaper than in the regular mall. “It has provided a method of easily finding what you’re looking for or the best price without ever leaving your home” (Bell, 2008, para. 1). Buying online is easiest and cheapest way to buy what you want.
Next, click in your computer and save your time. Buying by Internet is the best way for you to save your time and money. In place of getting in your care and going to the mall to by something, you can by Internet buy anything while you sitting in your home. You can go to many malls by Internet. It is like a big mall in your home. Buying online is saving your time and getting what you wanted at a low price (Robertson, 2006). Furthermore, you can buy some stuff that you cannot find it in your country from other countries by Internet. So, you save your time and get want you want.
In conclusion, saving your time, having convenience to buy things, and saving for you is some advantage that you can have from shopping online. Online shopping is the great deal for you to buy what you want from anywhere at a low price. Be careful while you use the internet and enjoy buying from internet.
Bell, G. (2008, April 15). Is using a credit-card for online purchases safe? Education Redefined. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from http//,1384,86674-5031.
Robertson, C. (2006, Jan 03). Stay safe while shopping online. Majon carefulational. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Book of Memories

All the live is book of memories. We remember what happened to us in the past. Some of these memories are good and some of them are bad. We remember the good part of our live and the bad. It is good things for us to remember who you love. Memories are related to many things. For me I have memories that remind me for many people. First, usually when I think about the graduate I remember my father. When I graduated from high school my father bought to me new car. When I ask him I want to by for you gift he told me my gift is your graduate. So usually when I think about graduate I remember my father. Also, some song when I heard it I remember my cousin. There is a specific song that he likes it. Usually when I go with him in his car he play this son. So when I listened to this music I remember him. There is some words when I heard it I remember my friends his name is Ahmed. He is funny guy and he usually said if I argue with him “please don’t touch”. So when I heard these words I laugh. The bad memories for me is that some one call me in the midnight because I remember when my brother call me and told me about my uncle when he died. So I heat the midnight calls because it was a bad memories for me. Memories live with us to remember the people who we love them.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
F. E # 7
You want to spend beautiful vacation in a very nice place. You should go to Abha. Abha is the best city in my country to have a vacation. This city is in the south of Saudi Arabia. People from many countries come to spend their vacation in this city. Abha is famous for its nice weather and the natural places that it has. I like to spend my vacation in Saudi Arabia in this city. It has many mountains and very good sightseeing places. There is a famous park there called Alsouda. This park is very good for camping and barbequing. This city is a green city and the weather is very nice in the summer, so people from all the counties like to go there and people from the proximate countries. What is not good about this city is it too expensive in the summer. The prices of the hotels jump too high, because of there are a lot of people coming and it is difficult to find a room in the summer. Finally, Abha is very good city to spend your vacation and relax after a year of working.
You want to spend beautiful vacation in a very nice place. You should go to Abha. Abha is the best city in my country to have a vacation. This city is in the south of Saudi Arabia. People from many countries come to spend their vacation in this city. Abha is famous for its nice weather and the natural places that it has. I like to spend my vacation in Saudi Arabia in this city. It has many mountains and very good sightseeing places. There is a famous park there called Alsouda. This park is very good for camping and barbequing. This city is a green city and the weather is very nice in the summer, so people from all the counties like to go there and people from the proximate countries. What is not good about this city is it too expensive in the summer. The prices of the hotels jump too high, because of there are a lot of people coming and it is difficult to find a room in the summer. Finally, Abha is very good city to spend your vacation and relax after a year of working.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
winter sports
As we know it is difficult to play outside in the winter, so people find indoors is the best way to keep practicing their sports. For me I like to play soccer, but now with winter I cannot do that anymore outside, so my friends and me like to play indoors. We join together in the Rec Center and play indoor soccer. It is not nice like outdoors, but still we can play our favorite sport. The problem with indoor sport is that not many people can play, because we do not have enough space. So, we divide the players into many teams to let everyone play. We play a match for ten minites and if no one wins both teams play penalties to see who is the winner to continue playing with a new team, so that is fun for us and we enjoy playing with these roles. Also, the Rec Center has a tournament for indoor soccer, so we have many teams playing in this tournament and having fun. Indoor is good in winter to us and to other people who like other sports; everyone can enjoy playing his favorite sport without worrying about the weather.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Time to Relax
People need some times to have free time to themselves, specially if they have problems or stress. Free time is good to think about what you did and what you want to do in future. Free time give you wider space to think about your problem from many different area. I like some times to sit alone and think about myself what I have and what I need. In this time I do not like to talk to nay body. I like to be alone. Some times I like to drive my car and go at any direction and drive and go until I relax and be in good mood then I came back. Some time I listen to music. And some time I wrote the problem that I think about it in paper after I finished writing I burn the paper and I feel great. I need some times free time to think about myself and rethink what I did in the past and what I should to do in future. Some times when I thought in the past, I blame myself and I wish I did not do that, but what in the past is staying in the past. I take lesson from that and look to the future. This way helps me to Reevaluate myself and this what I need to improve myself.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fluency Exercise # 5
Do you want to know the meaning of democracy? Look at the American election; it is the true meaning of democracy that we saw it yesterday. The nation voice decided who will be the president of the country. People from all races have the same freedom to vote for whomever they want. What I like about the American election is how a person with no sources or power can run for president of the United States of America and work hard to get his dream and do it. It was not only his dream; it was a dream of all African Americans and Martin Luther King. Last night was a night that will not be forgotten from the history of the United States of America and the world. All people from many countries around the world looked to the American election because he will be the president of the most powerful country in the world. People need the change and that is what Obama promised, so that is what makes the election so important for all people. The election was hard for both candidates, and they did a good job to convince people about their ideas. But finally Obama won, and we are looking and hoping to see the change that he promised to do.
Do you want to know the meaning of democracy? Look at the American election; it is the true meaning of democracy that we saw it yesterday. The nation voice decided who will be the president of the country. People from all races have the same freedom to vote for whomever they want. What I like about the American election is how a person with no sources or power can run for president of the United States of America and work hard to get his dream and do it. It was not only his dream; it was a dream of all African Americans and Martin Luther King. Last night was a night that will not be forgotten from the history of the United States of America and the world. All people from many countries around the world looked to the American election because he will be the president of the most powerful country in the world. People need the change and that is what Obama promised, so that is what makes the election so important for all people. The election was hard for both candidates, and they did a good job to convince people about their ideas. But finally Obama won, and we are looking and hoping to see the change that he promised to do.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My Dream

Anna 4
Every person in this live has dream and this dream is depend on what he likes and what he prefers. This dream may change with the time because of some reasons affect it and let it impassible. when I was a child, I have a dream to be doctor. This dream change with the time because I did not get a good grade in the high school. I was so Frustrating with my high school grade. I did not get high grade in high school because I was sick in that time. That affects my grade and I could not to do better than that. So, I start to looking about some thing related to the medicine. I decided to go the medical hospital management because it was close from my dream. I accepted in this major, but I was not satisfy on myself. I studied hard and I get good grade. I worked with hospital before I graduate from my college because I was doing my internship with them, so they decided to hire me before my graduate. I worked in hospital and with doctors, but it was hard to me because I want to be a doctor and I could not. I accepted that and I looked to the future. I know that will not help me if I stayed to look to the doctor and Blame myself. So I decided to continue my study to get bachelor and master in my major. I worked hard to get this scholarship. I get it and now I'm in the first step to reach my dream. I will work hard to let my dream to be truth. I do not know the meaning of fear because if I want to do some thing I will do it without having any kind of fear.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Anna 3
in may country, we have two holiday in the year. one is after Ramadan, we selabrate after finishing ramadan. the other one is called eid alhej. these holiday is not similar to Haloween.we do not have a holiday concern about dead. we remerber the dead people by visit the Graves. this week i went dress like gangster and i have fun with my friends. we do a party and we had a lot of was nice weekend we just dressed up and have fun.
in may country, we have two holiday in the year. one is after Ramadan, we selabrate after finishing ramadan. the other one is called eid alhej. these holiday is not similar to Haloween.we do not have a holiday concern about dead. we remerber the dead people by visit the Graves. this week i went dress like gangster and i have fun with my friends. we do a party and we had a lot of was nice weekend we just dressed up and have fun.
Endangered Animals
Summary & Response 2
In Gene Mueller’s 2007 article in the Washington Times titled “Nation’s symbol at risk no more,” the bald eagle is not on the endangered list anymore, so he is safe now and we do not worry about him. First, the author states that the Americans’ concern and conservation of the bald eagle was a successful job to bring this bird from the extinction to the wildlife. Then, he mentions that in 1940 the bird had disappeared from many states. After that, the author says that the pesticide DDT has a direct effect on the bald eagle when the pesticide entered the fish body. So when the bird eats the fish the pesticide goes to his body. In 1972 DDT was banned by Congress, so the population of the bird has increased. Next, he claims that fish were having a virus that was kill’s them, so that has reduced their numbers. Also, people who hunt the fish to sell it or just for fun is another problem that affect the fish population. Finally, he states that they sell the Virginia waterfowl stamp to help to clean the water and help fish.
I agree with the author’s idea that the bald eagle is not at risk anymore because of the ways that Americans use to protect him. So we should take from that lesson to protect the other animals that are endangered by publishing the American way, finding new ways, and studying the factors that affect them.
First, to succeed we should study what the others do and where they stop. So we can learn from what was started before us what the good things and the bad things they do. Then, we can avoid the wrong way and develop the good way. Actually, what Americans do for the bald eagle was a good story that the other nations can learn from to protect the animals that are endangered. Americans should publish that to make the others to study and learn from that. So it helps the others to protect animals. This bird was lucky because they choose him as a national symbol. So, why do we not choose all animals as the national symbol and protect them? People cooperate usually with the law, so we should have a law that prohibits shooting or killing them. We should help these animals or we will lose them forever.
Second, to protect endangered animals or birds you should find new ways to do that. In the case of endangered animals there is no time to waste because we have only a small number of that animal. So, we should find new and good way to do that. There are many ways to protect endangered animals, for example, doing hybridization with other animals from the same species. Also, we could make some refuges to protect them and put them in an appropriate environment to live. We should put splints on them that connected with computer so we can keep tracking them. All these steps could help us to protect these animals and bring them back from extinction.
Next, to protect endangered animals we should know the factors that lead this animal to extinction, so we can help him easily and protect him. Knowing what lead this animal to extinction is the first step to protect him. So we should study everything about these animals, what he is eating, and what environment he likes to live in. So with research we can know what we should do to protect these animals and return them to wildlife.
In conclusion, studying, finding new ways, and publishing the other experiences are very important things to protect endangered animals. All people should participate in protecting these animals to have a good result. Wildlife is part of our life cycle so we should protect instead of destroy it.
Mueller, G. (2007, July 4). Nation’s symbol at risk no more. Washington Times.
Retrieved October 28, 2008, from LexisNexis.
Summary & Response 2
In Gene Mueller’s 2007 article in the Washington Times titled “Nation’s symbol at risk no more,” the bald eagle is not on the endangered list anymore, so he is safe now and we do not worry about him. First, the author states that the Americans’ concern and conservation of the bald eagle was a successful job to bring this bird from the extinction to the wildlife. Then, he mentions that in 1940 the bird had disappeared from many states. After that, the author says that the pesticide DDT has a direct effect on the bald eagle when the pesticide entered the fish body. So when the bird eats the fish the pesticide goes to his body. In 1972 DDT was banned by Congress, so the population of the bird has increased. Next, he claims that fish were having a virus that was kill’s them, so that has reduced their numbers. Also, people who hunt the fish to sell it or just for fun is another problem that affect the fish population. Finally, he states that they sell the Virginia waterfowl stamp to help to clean the water and help fish.
I agree with the author’s idea that the bald eagle is not at risk anymore because of the ways that Americans use to protect him. So we should take from that lesson to protect the other animals that are endangered by publishing the American way, finding new ways, and studying the factors that affect them.
First, to succeed we should study what the others do and where they stop. So we can learn from what was started before us what the good things and the bad things they do. Then, we can avoid the wrong way and develop the good way. Actually, what Americans do for the bald eagle was a good story that the other nations can learn from to protect the animals that are endangered. Americans should publish that to make the others to study and learn from that. So it helps the others to protect animals. This bird was lucky because they choose him as a national symbol. So, why do we not choose all animals as the national symbol and protect them? People cooperate usually with the law, so we should have a law that prohibits shooting or killing them. We should help these animals or we will lose them forever.
Second, to protect endangered animals or birds you should find new ways to do that. In the case of endangered animals there is no time to waste because we have only a small number of that animal. So, we should find new and good way to do that. There are many ways to protect endangered animals, for example, doing hybridization with other animals from the same species. Also, we could make some refuges to protect them and put them in an appropriate environment to live. We should put splints on them that connected with computer so we can keep tracking them. All these steps could help us to protect these animals and bring them back from extinction.
Next, to protect endangered animals we should know the factors that lead this animal to extinction, so we can help him easily and protect him. Knowing what lead this animal to extinction is the first step to protect him. So we should study everything about these animals, what he is eating, and what environment he likes to live in. So with research we can know what we should do to protect these animals and return them to wildlife.
In conclusion, studying, finding new ways, and publishing the other experiences are very important things to protect endangered animals. All people should participate in protecting these animals to have a good result. Wildlife is part of our life cycle so we should protect instead of destroy it.
Mueller, G. (2007, July 4). Nation’s symbol at risk no more. Washington Times.
Retrieved October 28, 2008, from LexisNexis.
F E # 4
My favorite sport is soccer. I like it so much and I enjoy myself when I play it. In the United States soccer is not popular so much like other sports, but you can find people who like it and most of them are international students. Actually, I have started to know many people because we play together on the weekend. So we have started to be friends quickly because of soccer. If someone does not come or comes late we call him and ask him what happened with him, is he coming or not? We are close to each other and we are from all ages. In fact, soccer here in United States is different from my country in the way of playing. Here they are playing more physically. Also, they play as a team sometimes, and sometimes, you find one player finishing the game. In my country we like to play more with skills and speed. In my country you can see a soccer field in each neighborhood and all people like soccer very much. So in the afternoon we just go and play soccer with other people who live in the neighborhood. In my country most of people watch the English, Spanish, or Italian soccer leagues. We know everything about clubs and players. Now some Europe clubs have opened stores in Riyadh to sell their official t-shirt and some stuff for the club. In the United States people do not know many things about soccer or about the players. For example, the best player in the word in 2007 was kaka; no one knows him for among most of the Americans who I met. Finally, I enjoyed playing here in the United States more than I enjoyed it in my country, because the weather is nice and I’m playing with people who come from different countries.
My favorite sport is soccer. I like it so much and I enjoy myself when I play it. In the United States soccer is not popular so much like other sports, but you can find people who like it and most of them are international students. Actually, I have started to know many people because we play together on the weekend. So we have started to be friends quickly because of soccer. If someone does not come or comes late we call him and ask him what happened with him, is he coming or not? We are close to each other and we are from all ages. In fact, soccer here in United States is different from my country in the way of playing. Here they are playing more physically. Also, they play as a team sometimes, and sometimes, you find one player finishing the game. In my country we like to play more with skills and speed. In my country you can see a soccer field in each neighborhood and all people like soccer very much. So in the afternoon we just go and play soccer with other people who live in the neighborhood. In my country most of people watch the English, Spanish, or Italian soccer leagues. We know everything about clubs and players. Now some Europe clubs have opened stores in Riyadh to sell their official t-shirt and some stuff for the club. In the United States people do not know many things about soccer or about the players. For example, the best player in the word in 2007 was kaka; no one knows him for among most of the Americans who I met. Finally, I enjoyed playing here in the United States more than I enjoyed it in my country, because the weather is nice and I’m playing with people who come from different countries.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Bald Eagle
Summary and Response # 1
In John Donnelly’s 2007 article in the Boston Globe titled “Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status of nation’s symbol,” the nation’s choosing the bald eagle, as national symbol was the strong protecting for him. First, the author states that there is possibility to remove the bald eagle from the Federal Endangered Species List this week (June 26, 2007). Then, he claims that to bring a species back from the brink of extinction is not impossible. After that, he says that the US Fish and Wildlife Service will decide whether to remove the bird from the endangered species list or not. The author mentions that the numbers of nesting pairs that the government counted from 1962 to today are increasing. He discusses that since the endangered list was created, there were some species that have gone extinct and some have recovered to be moved off the list. Bald eagle is protected under Bald and Golden Eagle Protecting Act, even if they remove the bird from the list. Finally, the author explains how the federal program helps to protect the bald eagle’s environment.
I agree with the author’s idea that choosing bald eagle as national symbol is a strong protection for him. We should continue to protect the bald eagle by making regulations, preserving the environment, and making refuge.
First, to control something you should have rules. For endangered species we should have strict rules to protect these species, especially from the hunters. Hunters kill a big number of the bald eagles. So, if we have regulations that do not allow the hunters to kill the bald eagle, we protect it from extinction. For example, if someone kills the bald eagle he will be arrested and put in jail. Also, we make a list for the endangered species to protect them. Moreover, we try to educate people and tell them about how the extinction dangerous to let people be part of protecting them. If the entire citizenry participates we can solve this problem and protect these birds.
Second, we should preserve the environment not only for us, but also for the other beings. Environment is important for all beings; we should preserve it to live happily. Environmental problems affect birds, especially the bald eagle. We should reduce the factories’ smoke because it affects the environment badly. Also, it helps the companies that provide the green products to support them and convince the other companies to do the same things. We should stop cutting trees and encourage people to plant trees. We should stop destroying forest by building cities beside them. We should try to use the resources do not affect the environment, such as solar energy.
Environment is very important for all being; we should protect it and preserve it.
Next, to help protect the bald eagle we should have refuges. Refuges are a good solution for extinct species. First, we put them in a good environment to help them proliferate. They live peacefully without worrying about hunters. Also, they are under specialists’ care, so they scrutinize them. For example, in my country before twenty years ago the deer were endangered because of the hunters, so they put them in a refuge, so and they did not let anyone hunt them or come to their place. They made strong rules for them to keep them safe. Refuges are the best solution for endangered animals and birds.
In conclusion, making refuge, preserving the environment, and making regulations help us to protect endangered species. All people should work together to protect endangered animals and birds from extinction. Bald eagle and the other birds are lucky because people now are more concerned about them and they try to protect them.
Donnelly, J. (2007, June 26). Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status of nation’s symbol. The Boston Globe. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from
Summary and Response # 1
In John Donnelly’s 2007 article in the Boston Globe titled “Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status of nation’s symbol,” the nation’s choosing the bald eagle, as national symbol was the strong protecting for him. First, the author states that there is possibility to remove the bald eagle from the Federal Endangered Species List this week (June 26, 2007). Then, he claims that to bring a species back from the brink of extinction is not impossible. After that, he says that the US Fish and Wildlife Service will decide whether to remove the bird from the endangered species list or not. The author mentions that the numbers of nesting pairs that the government counted from 1962 to today are increasing. He discusses that since the endangered list was created, there were some species that have gone extinct and some have recovered to be moved off the list. Bald eagle is protected under Bald and Golden Eagle Protecting Act, even if they remove the bird from the list. Finally, the author explains how the federal program helps to protect the bald eagle’s environment.
I agree with the author’s idea that choosing bald eagle as national symbol is a strong protection for him. We should continue to protect the bald eagle by making regulations, preserving the environment, and making refuge.
First, to control something you should have rules. For endangered species we should have strict rules to protect these species, especially from the hunters. Hunters kill a big number of the bald eagles. So, if we have regulations that do not allow the hunters to kill the bald eagle, we protect it from extinction. For example, if someone kills the bald eagle he will be arrested and put in jail. Also, we make a list for the endangered species to protect them. Moreover, we try to educate people and tell them about how the extinction dangerous to let people be part of protecting them. If the entire citizenry participates we can solve this problem and protect these birds.
Second, we should preserve the environment not only for us, but also for the other beings. Environment is important for all beings; we should preserve it to live happily. Environmental problems affect birds, especially the bald eagle. We should reduce the factories’ smoke because it affects the environment badly. Also, it helps the companies that provide the green products to support them and convince the other companies to do the same things. We should stop cutting trees and encourage people to plant trees. We should stop destroying forest by building cities beside them. We should try to use the resources do not affect the environment, such as solar energy.
Environment is very important for all being; we should protect it and preserve it.
Next, to help protect the bald eagle we should have refuges. Refuges are a good solution for extinct species. First, we put them in a good environment to help them proliferate. They live peacefully without worrying about hunters. Also, they are under specialists’ care, so they scrutinize them. For example, in my country before twenty years ago the deer were endangered because of the hunters, so they put them in a refuge, so and they did not let anyone hunt them or come to their place. They made strong rules for them to keep them safe. Refuges are the best solution for endangered animals and birds.
In conclusion, making refuge, preserving the environment, and making regulations help us to protect endangered species. All people should work together to protect endangered animals and birds from extinction. Bald eagle and the other birds are lucky because people now are more concerned about them and they try to protect them.
Donnelly, J. (2007, June 26). Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status of nation’s symbol. The Boston Globe. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Language Learning
Khalid A
EAP 2 – Writers’s Workshop
Fluency Exercise # 3
Learning another language is something interesting and hard at the same time. For me I decided to learn another language because it is required in my job and because English is the first language in the world. To learn a new language there are many steps you should take. First, you should have the motive that makes you study hard and not give up. Second, you should find a good institution for teaching this language. Next, you should learn many vocabulary because vocabulary is your basic instructor that help you in learning; then, try to practice what you learn with native speakers if it is possible or others who speak the language. Moreover, you should watch TV and listen to music to improve your listening skills. Also, reading is very helpful for you, so you should read as much as you can. Personally I try these methods and it helps me a lot, but the most helpful is to have friends from the native language so you will learn fast and they will help you if you have a mistake. I hang out with my friends and I learn many things from them. Finally, learning another language is very important for people in there lives to help them get better jobs, learn new things, and meet new friends.
EAP 2 – Writers’s Workshop
Fluency Exercise # 3
Learning another language is something interesting and hard at the same time. For me I decided to learn another language because it is required in my job and because English is the first language in the world. To learn a new language there are many steps you should take. First, you should have the motive that makes you study hard and not give up. Second, you should find a good institution for teaching this language. Next, you should learn many vocabulary because vocabulary is your basic instructor that help you in learning; then, try to practice what you learn with native speakers if it is possible or others who speak the language. Moreover, you should watch TV and listen to music to improve your listening skills. Also, reading is very helpful for you, so you should read as much as you can. Personally I try these methods and it helps me a lot, but the most helpful is to have friends from the native language so you will learn fast and they will help you if you have a mistake. I hang out with my friends and I learn many things from them. Finally, learning another language is very important for people in there lives to help them get better jobs, learn new things, and meet new friends.
Anna 2
Love is every where in our life. If some one without love he missed something important in his life. In my country love is big issue and that is clear by reading poems and listens to the music. It is all about love but actually we do not have that chance to find some one appropriate for us without helping from your family. The traditions and customs not allow for us to meet females in private. Usually the love comes after the married, but before we married we know every thing about her. We meet after engagement; we know each others very well. In my country we believe in “love at first sight” so it happen some one love just form first sight and he get married. Also, now people start know each others form internet, they start love each others. Most people in my country like the traditional way that your mother or sister help you to find your partners.
Love is every where in our life. If some one without love he missed something important in his life. In my country love is big issue and that is clear by reading poems and listens to the music. It is all about love but actually we do not have that chance to find some one appropriate for us without helping from your family. The traditions and customs not allow for us to meet females in private. Usually the love comes after the married, but before we married we know every thing about her. We meet after engagement; we know each others very well. In my country we believe in “love at first sight” so it happen some one love just form first sight and he get married. Also, now people start know each others form internet, they start love each others. Most people in my country like the traditional way that your mother or sister help you to find your partners.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Holiday in Saudi Arabia is very interesting. Usually, people travel from to cold towns in the west and south, I would like to talk about Taif city which located in west of Saudi Arabia; It is 1300 feet high than see level, there is high mountains which huge to the sky. Green trees are surrounding all the mountains. Families sometimes build a small tent, and bring their foods, which usually contain sheep and rice. Children can move around and gain some fruits which growing around. During summer vacations there is many play ground in those mountain .It looks like sex flag but it doesn’t. In addition their are telfric can take people from the top of the mountain to down and opposite. People can get drink and food from some restaurant near by if they want. The different between holiday in the United States and Saudi Arabia, that people in Saudi Arabia might travel as relative group, and have char their habits like soccer or another activate. Here you couldn’t see two families together, In Saudi Arabia they might stay together for 20 days or more, but here I think less that number. Also In Saudi Arabia didn’t drink Alcohol, so they using cool, tea, or Arabic coffee. In the end I hope I can back soon to Taif to take my next holiday over there.
Holiday in Saudi Arabia is very interesting. Usually, people travel from to cold towns in the west and south, I would like to talk about Taif city which located in west of Saudi Arabia; It is 1300 feet high than see level, there is high mountains which huge to the sky. Green trees are surrounding all the mountains. Families sometimes build a small tent, and bring their foods, which usually contain sheep and rice. Children can move around and gain some fruits which growing around. During summer vacations there is many play ground in those mountain .It looks like sex flag but it doesn’t. In addition their are telfric can take people from the top of the mountain to down and opposite. People can get drink and food from some restaurant near by if they want. The different between holiday in the United States and Saudi Arabia, that people in Saudi Arabia might travel as relative group, and have char their habits like soccer or another activate. Here you couldn’t see two families together, In Saudi Arabia they might stay together for 20 days or more, but here I think less that number. Also In Saudi Arabia didn’t drink Alcohol, so they using cool, tea, or Arabic coffee. In the end I hope I can back soon to Taif to take my next holiday over there.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wonderful Break

I have a lot of fun in break. I went to ST Louis for only one day because I have match for soccer league here. First, I went to Afghani restaurant and I had a delicious meal for lunch. Then, I went to hookah bar and enjoy hookah with my new friends who I met in side the bar. They came from Iowa to ST Louis for the weekend. We decided to go together to the nightclub. We had funny time and they asked me to visit them in Iowa. After that, I came back to Carbondale after wonderful day. I start to prepare for the final of SIU soccer league with my team. We played the final match and we win that. I was happy after the final because we played for one month and we win the league. It was a wonderful moment because we played as time and we work together to win.Also, we do a lot of training. Finally, we had players from many countries and we called our team “Barcelona”. The break was very funny to me and I enjoyed my time.
Practice Summary Response
Global Warming
According to Hirsch in his article “Animals ‘Hit by Global warming’,” animals and birds may become extinct because of climate change. First, the author states that threats of global warming are clearly visible. Next, he claims that because of global warming, some birds and animals have changed their migration routes. Then, he mentions that EU naturalists had a meeting in Scotland. After that, he says that there is a wide range of changes in the migration patterns of animals because of the warming. Then, he gives examples of changes in the migration patterns such as the little egret and the loggerhead turtle. Furthermore, he argues that certain animals are not able to adapt to new conditions because of global warming, even though it is common that most species were able to in the past. Plankton organisms are the base of the food chain but because of slight changes in sea temperature they are becoming extinct, which has an impact on other wildlife. Then he gives an example of Scottish seabirds, which are breeding less because the food they depend on is becoming depleted. The author states that there are many threats from climate change. Many authors have commented on this subject, including Humphrey Crick from the British Trust for Ornithology. He states that our climate has had an impact on various species including the swallow in the Sahara and the albatrosses of the southern oceans. Nature always has a changing condition in climate but it is at such a rapid a pace that species are not able to adapt and survive.
The author’s idea is that climate change has negatively affected animals’ habitats, the environment, and increased extinction among other species.
First, habitat is very important for animals. So anything that happens may affect their habitat. That is what happening now with climate change. The melting ice and increase in the amount of the water around the world have directly affected animals’ habitats. Some animals lost their habitats because of that such as the turtles. Also spreading deserts is another reason of losing their habitat because they do not have compatible environments. Disappearing of habitat has led to extinction of many animals.
Second, no one can live without a good environment. Environment is very important for all beings. With climate change environment starts to change, so animals cannot adapt to this change. Some animals migrate to another area to find the appropriate environment. On the other hand, some animals cannot find another area to live in, so that led to extinction of those animals. Moreover, environment may effect the gender of the animals so with warming some species of animals become mostly female, such as turtle. We should preserve the environment not only for us but also for the other beings.
Next, extinction of some animals could affect the life cycle. Today it is clear that the climate change has had a bad influence on some animals. They try to find a new area to live in. There are many animals endanger because of the global warming. With these factors more and more animals will have the same problem. Extinction for some animals or birds will cause many problems for our lives.
In conclusion, habitat, environment, and extinction are some of the problems that are caused by climate change. We should find solutions for these problems to help our planet. The global warming is all countries’ problem, not only that of developing countries. We should work together to find solutions to live in a good environment.
Hirsch, T. (2005, October 5). Animals ‘hit by global warming’. BBC News. Retrieved October20, 2008, form
According to Hirsch in his article “Animals ‘Hit by Global warming’,” animals and birds may become extinct because of climate change. First, the author states that threats of global warming are clearly visible. Next, he claims that because of global warming, some birds and animals have changed their migration routes. Then, he mentions that EU naturalists had a meeting in Scotland. After that, he says that there is a wide range of changes in the migration patterns of animals because of the warming. Then, he gives examples of changes in the migration patterns such as the little egret and the loggerhead turtle. Furthermore, he argues that certain animals are not able to adapt to new conditions because of global warming, even though it is common that most species were able to in the past. Plankton organisms are the base of the food chain but because of slight changes in sea temperature they are becoming extinct, which has an impact on other wildlife. Then he gives an example of Scottish seabirds, which are breeding less because the food they depend on is becoming depleted. The author states that there are many threats from climate change. Many authors have commented on this subject, including Humphrey Crick from the British Trust for Ornithology. He states that our climate has had an impact on various species including the swallow in the Sahara and the albatrosses of the southern oceans. Nature always has a changing condition in climate but it is at such a rapid a pace that species are not able to adapt and survive.
The author’s idea is that climate change has negatively affected animals’ habitats, the environment, and increased extinction among other species.
First, habitat is very important for animals. So anything that happens may affect their habitat. That is what happening now with climate change. The melting ice and increase in the amount of the water around the world have directly affected animals’ habitats. Some animals lost their habitats because of that such as the turtles. Also spreading deserts is another reason of losing their habitat because they do not have compatible environments. Disappearing of habitat has led to extinction of many animals.
Second, no one can live without a good environment. Environment is very important for all beings. With climate change environment starts to change, so animals cannot adapt to this change. Some animals migrate to another area to find the appropriate environment. On the other hand, some animals cannot find another area to live in, so that led to extinction of those animals. Moreover, environment may effect the gender of the animals so with warming some species of animals become mostly female, such as turtle. We should preserve the environment not only for us but also for the other beings.
Next, extinction of some animals could affect the life cycle. Today it is clear that the climate change has had a bad influence on some animals. They try to find a new area to live in. There are many animals endanger because of the global warming. With these factors more and more animals will have the same problem. Extinction for some animals or birds will cause many problems for our lives.
In conclusion, habitat, environment, and extinction are some of the problems that are caused by climate change. We should find solutions for these problems to help our planet. The global warming is all countries’ problem, not only that of developing countries. We should work together to find solutions to live in a good environment.
Hirsch, T. (2005, October 5). Animals ‘hit by global warming’. BBC News. Retrieved October20, 2008, form
Do you know about the global city? You can see in Miami people from all around the world. People come from all countries to visit Miami to enjoy their vacation. It is a beautiful city. It has a lot of skyscrapers and beautiful beaches. The famous beach there is the south beach. This beach has smooth white sand and clean water. If you lay down in this beach under the sunrays, you will forget all problems that you have. Also, in this beach you can enjoy by playing volleyball with other people. It gives you chance to know another people and have fun with them. In front this beach there are a lot of coffee shops and restaurants. You can enjoy with the food and drink they offer. Miami night is different from the others cities night. It is loud and there are a lot of beautiful nightclubs and bars. For all these reasons Miami is a global city. If you do not visit Miami before, you should visit it now.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Carbondale FW#1
I am living in the forest. living in Carbondale is like living in the forest alone, because it is very small city. There is a very big difference between my hometown and Carbondale. First, my hoemtown Riyadh is very big city. It is the capital of Saudi Arabia and there are millions of people are living there. Next, Riyadh has many skyscrapers and very big streets. Also, it is an active and crowded city, nothing stops work ofr twenty four hours. It has many malls, hospitals, and universities. You can see in tiyadh how the city is mixed between the Arabic culture and western culture in the building and malls. On the other hand, Carbondale is a small town in southern Illinois. There are thousands of people living there. For me it is like living alone because i used to live in an active and crowded city. Actually, in Carbondale there is no high builing. Carbondale works unitl 12:00 pm, then closes. You cannot find anything at this time, just the bars. The differences between my hometown and Carbondale are many, but they have something in common, in my opinion, which is peaceful life. I like both cities and I like the way of living in both cities. Finally, small cities and big cities have advantages and disadvantages to live there. You can enjoy and have fun in both if you know how to deal with what you have.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
School Class
School classes are not too different from here. We have the same things that we have here like projector and computer. The school semester in my country start in the end of the summer. We do not have an uniforms for the school we wear what we want. All the semester we have one class and we do not change the class. The teachers come to us. From my experience there is a difference between the classes her and in my country. First, here we have students from different countries. The way we deal with the teachers are different from the way we deal with teacher in my country. We should not speak to him without say teacher or Dr because it concider as disrespect. The teacher in my country they did not give a syllabus in the beginning of semester. Both of them are good in studing and I have fun time while I study.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Arabic Coffee and Tea

In my country Arabic coffee and tea are very popular. We like to drink it every day especially in the morning. Coffee is the symbol of hospitality and generosity. For example, when you have a guest we serve him something like Arabic coffee and tea and dates. If we don’t serve him with Arabic coffee and tea, it is kind of disrespect. So, we have to make it ready all the day and our guest to come anytime. I like to drink Arabic coffee and tea because it makes me in better mood and it is part of our culture. Also, it is delicious. I have never pass day without drink it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Movies are important for every country to show their culture. For my country there is a movie industry, but it is not too big like what is here in United States. It difficult to judges what people like and prefer. I think some people in my country like Saudi movies and some of them like foreign movies. The foreign movies come form many countries such as Arabic movies and American movies. The old people in my country like Arabic movies and the young people like American movies. For me, I like American movies because it is interesting. My favorite movie is The Pirates of the Caribbean.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My Favorite Song
My favorite type of music is romantic because it has a lot of emotional feeling. It contains meaning of love and missing who you love. My favorite arist and song is Enrique Iglesias "Hero". I like this song because it's remember me my girlfriend from Canada. We worked together in hospetal in my country.We had a lot of funy time. We traveled togather and enjoyed.The first time I heard this song when we was in Bahreen. We went their for weakend and she baught the CD. The song was beautiful as my girlfriend. When I heard this song, I remember her and the beautiful days we had together.
Friday, September 12, 2008


my favorite food is kapssa. I like kapssa because it is delicious food. Also, it is part of our culture. When I eat kapssa, I remind my family because we always sit together. Kapssa is the main dish in my country. Kapssa is native in Saudi Arabia, it is popular in our culture. Most of Saudi people eat kapssa every day. We make kapssa by rice, special spicy, some vegetables, and lam or chiken. I suggest evrybody who did not eat kapssa to try it.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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