Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Anna 2
Love is every where in our life. If some one without love he missed something important in his life. In my country love is big issue and that is clear by reading poems and listens to the music. It is all about love but actually we do not have that chance to find some one appropriate for us without helping from your family. The traditions and customs not allow for us to meet females in private. Usually the love comes after the married, but before we married we know every thing about her. We meet after engagement; we know each others very well. In my country we believe in “love at first sight” so it happen some one love just form first sight and he get married. Also, now people start know each others form internet, they start love each others. Most people in my country like the traditional way that your mother or sister help you to find your partners.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I think love is an important thing in everyone's life...though I haven't always agreed. Sometimes I still don't...depends on my mood I guess. >_<;