Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bald Eagle

Summary and Response # 1

In John Donnelly’s 2007 article in the Boston Globe titled “Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status of nation’s symbol,” the nation’s choosing the bald eagle, as national symbol was the strong protecting for him. First, the author states that there is possibility to remove the bald eagle from the Federal Endangered Species List this week (June 26, 2007). Then, he claims that to bring a species back from the brink of extinction is not impossible. After that, he says that the US Fish and Wildlife Service will decide whether to remove the bird from the endangered species list or not. The author mentions that the numbers of nesting pairs that the government counted from 1962 to today are increasing. He discusses that since the endangered list was created, there were some species that have gone extinct and some have recovered to be moved off the list. Bald eagle is protected under Bald and Golden Eagle Protecting Act, even if they remove the bird from the list. Finally, the author explains how the federal program helps to protect the bald eagle’s environment.

I agree with the author’s idea that choosing bald eagle as national symbol is a strong protection for him. We should continue to protect the bald eagle by making regulations, preserving the environment, and making refuge.

First, to control something you should have rules. For endangered species we should have strict rules to protect these species, especially from the hunters. Hunters kill a big number of the bald eagles. So, if we have regulations that do not allow the hunters to kill the bald eagle, we protect it from extinction. For example, if someone kills the bald eagle he will be arrested and put in jail. Also, we make a list for the endangered species to protect them. Moreover, we try to educate people and tell them about how the extinction dangerous to let people be part of protecting them. If the entire citizenry participates we can solve this problem and protect these birds.

Second, we should preserve the environment not only for us, but also for the other beings. Environment is important for all beings; we should preserve it to live happily. Environmental problems affect birds, especially the bald eagle. We should reduce the factories’ smoke because it affects the environment badly. Also, it helps the companies that provide the green products to support them and convince the other companies to do the same things. We should stop cutting trees and encourage people to plant trees. We should stop destroying forest by building cities beside them. We should try to use the resources do not affect the environment, such as solar energy.

Environment is very important for all being; we should protect it and preserve it.
Next, to help protect the bald eagle we should have refuges. Refuges are a good solution for extinct species. First, we put them in a good environment to help them proliferate. They live peacefully without worrying about hunters. Also, they are under specialists’ care, so they scrutinize them. For example, in my country before twenty years ago the deer were endangered because of the hunters, so they put them in a refuge, so and they did not let anyone hunt them or come to their place. They made strong rules for them to keep them safe. Refuges are the best solution for endangered animals and birds.

In conclusion, making refuge, preserving the environment, and making regulations help us to protect endangered species. All people should work together to protect endangered animals and birds from extinction. Bald eagle and the other birds are lucky because people now are more concerned about them and they try to protect them.


Donnelly, J. (2007, June 26). Bald eagles set to hit milestone: US likely to end endangered status of nation’s symbol. The Boston Globe. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from

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